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Vendira understands the challenges of business change regarding redefining product to cash capability including Configure Price Quote (CPQ) systems implementation and how wide the associated transformation is. We bring a wealth of experience and expertise supported by our vivo "value in value out" methodology. The typical journey we take with our clients looks like this:


We work to understand your business and it's strategy, we develop a high-level understanding of your products, services and your current organisational state with regards to product through CPQ to cash. We will assess any known visions and your readiness for change. Once understood and assessed we will then propose a vivoAdvise service proposal.


This service is intended as the pre-curser to rapid productisation and or business change including CPQ systems implementation via vivoTransformation. VivoAdvise supports you with creating the environment for successful change, assisting in business case production and building a common vision which has the right level of support. It will include a scoping and objective setting exercise through the discovery and engagement of key stakeholders. We will identify and assess constraints, along with agreeing on a preliminary road-map for first minimal viable release and beyond. We will advise on the change approach, along with the resources required to realise the change.

















Existing CPQ Health-check and optimisation

A tailored scoped​ engagement to review current CPQ systems, process and operating model, validating against corporate goals and expectations. We will perform a heat-map engaging with process owners, end-users to understand your portfolios, products, general adoption, user experience, CPQ platform and process. We will look at how you can better leverage your platform, and other areas for improvement, both quick win and longer-term. The end result is an action plan to help better enable your people and streamline your business operation. This could be a live running system or a review of an in-flight troublesome implementation initiative.


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